Cassandra's Exam Week

It is not that a stressful exam week as I had thought it would be.  I guess I have gotten used to going through exam week with the girls after 10 years.  But I was a tad panicky when the Mandarin tutor Whatsapped me on Monday morning to inform that she's fallen ill and couldn't come.  Chinese language is Cass' weakest subject and the tutor could not come on the eve of Cass' Chinese paper. And the next day, the tutor Whatsapped me again to inform that she was still sick and thus, could not come on the eve of Cass' Science paper. So I enlisted the help of the mil to guide Cass 😁

Last night, I did some Science revision with Cass and had to use Google Translator. I also googled for the tooth anatomy in English when I went through the tooth anatomy (in Chinese) with Cass. I also solicited Drama Queen's help to test Cass on some Science questions.

Just now when Cass came back from school, she told me that the Science test paper today was easy. I asked if all her friends said it was easy too and yup, they did.  Strong competition from smart kids from the top class!

On the day after the Chinese language papers, Cass told me that she didn't know how to answer many questions. It's OK, even if Cass fails to remain in the top class next year, I am perfectly fine with it.  I want Cass to continue to look forward going to school everyday (thank God she still prefers to be in school than at home!) and I want her to be an all-rounder and be happy everyday. Let me tell you that she hates doing revision and does not quite have the discipline to revise on her own yet. She gets very crabby and cantankerous when asked to sit down continuously for an hour to study.

Cass during a break from revision and all absorbed in her Enid Blyton novel. 

Cass has been reading so many Enid Blyton novels these days that her spoken English is getting very British.  The other day I asked Cass' opinion on a pink dress that I wore and she commented "the dress is too pale a pink" 😀

My lunch today of nasi kerabu. I shared this with the mil. This is home cooked and a lady in the neighborhood sells it outside her house every morning. It's one of the best nasi kerabu I have tasted.  YUMMMSSS!!