Thursday 4-27-17 WOD

Throw Back Thursday To 12 years ago. 
Tay Tay & Lindsay's wedding. 

Thursday 4-27-17 WOD

E2M For Three Rounds...

1. 15 Thrusters @ 75/105# & 15 Pull Ups   
2. 12 Alternating Lunges + BB Back Squats @ 75/105#
3. 200m Run 10 T2B
4. 15 Wall Balls 14/20# + 10 KBS 30/50# + 5 Burpees

E2M For Three Rounds...

1. 200m Run 10 HLR
2. 10 DB/KB Thrusters @ 25/40# & 8 Pull Ups
3. 15 Wall Balls 14/20# + 10 KBS 30/50# + 5 Burpees
4. 10 Alternating DB/KB Lunges + 10 Cleans (same weight as thrusters)

*This workout is every two minutes for three rounds. Athletes should pick an appropriate weight and number of repetitions in warmup prior to the start of the workout. All rounds and reps should be successful along with aproximately 20-30 seconds of rest in every round (a little more rest for newer athletes is ideal).