Works Better Under Stress

The littlest one is another eleventh hour girl when it comes to completing her homework and revising for exam, just like her 2 sisters.

Here she is yesterday morning, at the coffee shop:

While waiting for her bowl of fish paste noodles to arrive, she hurriedly completed her homework as her Mandarin tutor was due to arrive in another hour. She even did her homework in the car on the way to the coffee shop and on our way back home after breakfast.   I had threatened her that if she couldn't finish her homework on time for the tutor to mark, the latest novel  that she's reading (which is the culprit to the 11th hour homework completion) would be confiscated and kept at the highest cupboard in my room. And she managed to finish her homework just in the nick of time. She was pleased as punch that she could safe her novel from the clutch of the tiger mum.  Good going girl!

Most of the time, Cass works with aplomb when under stress.  All the adrenaline rush seems to propel her brain to work more efficiently. When there is all the time in the world at home, this little fella would dawdle away, burying her face into her thick novels.