Sunday, 22 October 2017

After church, we had lunch at Seoul Korea Restaurant. Hubs and us were undecided over where to eat. We didn't want to travel too far (Cass and Drama Queen still had 2 papers to sit for the next day) and most importantly, for me, I wanted to eat in an air-conditioned restaurant as the heat wave for the past one week has been unbearable. Finally we settled for Seoul Korea Restaurant, an authentic Korean restaurant run by a Korean family at our neighborhood. Having our meals at Seoul Korea always gives us the ultimate satisfaction and the feeling of wanting to eat there again each time we leave.

After lunch, we went "WHAAAAT? NOOOOO!!" when the foodie hubs suggested coffee and cakes!  We were full to our throats and could not stuff in anymore morsel. But being good daughters and wife, we segued to Jemi Cafe to accompany the man for his comfort food.

The gourmand hubs ordered a slice of tiramisu, a slice of chocolate brownie with a scoop of ice-cream and coffee. And you know what? Though everyone had no more space in our tummies, we could still stuff in those off-the-charts delish cakes!

Dinner was Hakka noodles with fish balls and meat balls that I brought back from Ipoh the previous day.