Hectic Saturday - 4 Nov 2017

Since yesterday morning, Drama Queen has been tossed into the pressure cooker. Her team's writing has been shortlisted as top ten finalist in a competition organized by a well known hospital in Malaysia. Next Saturday, Drama Queen and her team members will be at the hospital the whole day to have a fierce face-off against eight other schools. It's Drama Queen's first inter-school competition.

Since yesterday, Drama Queen has been firing on all cylinders to complete the scrap book. After her team members left the school at 3:30 p.m., she continued to work on the scrap book until 9 p.m. in school, just her and the English teacher. Once she got home, she had a late dinner and then continued to work on a video, which is part of the competition requirements.

This morning Drama Queen got up at 7:30 a.m. and sat at the dining table, working hard on the scrap book until 3 p.m., hardly leaving the table.  The deadline to submit to her English teacher in school was at 3 p.m.

She continued working on the finishing touches for the scrap book in the car, on the way to school...

We submitted the scrap book to her English teacher in the nick of time.

As I am typing this post now, Drama Queen lay asleep like a log on the floor. She hasn't had a decent meal, sleep or shower since yesterday morning. The dining table is still in a complete clutter.
I will be at the hospital from 8am ~ 3pm next Saturday to give moral support to Drama Queen and her team as they face off in a presentation of their work. Keeping my fingers crossed that Drama Queen and her team wins. Even if they don't, it's A-OK. This will be an invaluable and rich experience for them.