Sherilyn's Graduation From Primary School

Today is the graduation day for Primary 6 students at Drama Queen's school.  It felt like it was only just recently that I attended Alycia's graduation but that was exactly 2 years ago.   Before I even realize it, soon it will be Cass' turn 3 years from today. Time really flies. I can't wait to attend my daughters' university graduation. How. I. Wish.!!  When will the day come?

On stage, the graduating pupils had to go through a 'tea ceremony' where each of them held a disposable paper cup with tea to serve all their teachers. The school planned to have a 'students massage parents' session too but they had to scrap this off at the eleventh hour due to time constraint.  Thank God it's scrapped off, else it would truly be awkward!   Guess this is the newest trend on graduation ceremony for SJKC Gen Z kids? 

Tea ceremony is a typical Chinese devout way to express their gratitude to parents or the elders for being raised well.

After the tea ceremony, the parents were asked to go up the stage to look for their child, congratulate and hug the child, followed by photography.  I saw some teared eyed and emotionally overwhelmed students and parents.

One with her team mates in the Gleneagles inter-school Junior Care Search Champion competition recently.  Oops, looks like someone's little brother photo-bombed the photo!

One with B, Drama Queen's bff since nursery at aged three.  Too bad they will be separated when they start their new chapter in life in January 2018. Thankfully B lives in the same neighborhood as us and it would be easy for her and Drama Queen to meet-up.

Cass and Alycia came to cheer on Drama Queen. As usual, the big girl is anti-photography with me. She hates it that her pix are in my blogs 😭  How I miss  Alycia's early growing up years when she was ever ready to give me her sweet dimpled smile for the camera. I miss that Alycia so much 😢

Tomorrow marks another 'Today In History' event for Drama Queen.  The UPSR results will be OUT, jeng jeng jeng!!!!