Thursday Breakfast

Breakfast today is with Cass alone.  Drama Queen left the house at 7:30 a.m. today with her dad to attend a 2-day Ukulele camp.  The big girl, as usual prefers to sleep in. Noodles are never her kind of food. She prefers bread, pau, pastries and Western food.

We had char meehoon, Penang white curry noodles, red bean tong sui and Teh C.  I think I over ordered, oops! 😜

Dinner today will be easy peasy for me to handle as I am only cooking for 2 kids. I'm going to clear my fridge and whip up fried rice.  Cass is going to learn something new today - I will be teaching her how to peel and chop garlic and onions. I'm going to make her my next kitchen assistant! I am already enjoying the fruit of my labor coz I can already sit back and relax while Drama Queen cooks in the kitchen.  With 2 assistants, I hope I can leave 90% of my kitchen chore to them very soon 😀

Happy Thursday everyone 💗