Preparing A Child For A Doctor's Visit

Most of us have at least some trepidation when it comes to visiting a doctor, however, kids are often the most terrified of these visits. A scared child will try his or her best to avoid a doctor visit and this can become unhealthy. This is why it's a good idea to do as much as possible to reduce some of their anxiety. Fortunately, there are a few tips you can utilize to make doctor visits less scary. 

Talk About the Reason for the Visit 
More often than not, when we know what to expect from any situation, we are less anxious. This is true for children too. The night before a visit, begin a conversation about what will take place during the doctor visit and allow your child to ask as many questions as possible. If your child knows what to expect, he or she will be a lot less anxious. He or she may even look forward to the pleasant parts of the visit. If your child's doctor's office doesn't reward children for a good visit, buy a few treats yourself. You can reward them for having a good visit once the visit is over. 

Help them with the Hard Parts 
If your child is supposed to get a shot or have a cavity filled, make sure you do as much as possible to provide support during the process. Hold their hand or bring a teddy bear. The main goal is to be as creative as possible about the coping process. They need to feel the support that you are providing. They may be going in for an endoscopy procedure. Their fear may make them hesitant to have the procedure. However, it helps to let them know a little bit about the procedure. Educate them about the medical instrument, if they are afraid. Let them know that the instruments are taken care of by an endoscope repair technician. As a result, the instrument will work properly and not harm them.

Encourage them to Ask the Doctor Questions
If your child can become comfortable with the doctor, they can become more comfortable with the visit. Encourage your child to talk to the doctor and ask questions and voice their concerns. Let your child know that it's ok to express fear as well. The doctor can provide comfort and support along with you. This should help the child to relax even more.

Doctor's visits can be unnerving for everyone. However, they can be particularly scary for children. Do everything in your power to ease the tension of these necessary visits and help your child to relax. Encourage your child to express his or her fears, ask questions, and voice their concerns to the doctor as well. This will let your child know that he or she has a voice and give them the opportunity to use it.