Stomach Flu

On the day we returned to KL from Ipoh, which was the 4th day of CNY, Cass wasn't her usual chirpy self throughout the train ride. I thought it's because we all had to wake up at 5:45 a.m. to get ready to catch the 7:25 a.m. ETS and she was just tired. We hadn't had enough sleep throughout the CNY holidays as we had to wake up early almost everyday. When we got back to KL, she had chills and felt malaise. When we went to our usual shop for lunch, Cass who usually has a ravenous appetite, had zilch appetite. The only food she could put into her mouth was an organic apple, half a glass of fresh apple + orange juice and two small pieces of steamed free-range chicken sans the dressing of oil and sauce. Cass purged many times that day and had abdominal cramps. She must have caught some stomach bugs from one of the many lavish meals that we had in Ipoh or it could be her innards just weren't used to processing so much food for 4 days straight. You know the kind of feast that we Chinese have during CNY, along with cookies, dried meat, Mandarin oranges and waxed meat.

By the time we got home from lunch, she was running a temperature of 39.1C. I gave her a luke-warm shower, a packet of Izumio with two capsules of Super Lutein before she took a nap. Dinner for her was another organic apple, four pieces of cream crackers with strawberry jam and another packet of Izumio. I gave her a suppository before she went to sleep that night. Thank God the next morning she was fine and dandy again. But she still had mild stomach cramps and purging throughout the day. Slowly but surely her appetite returned.  She recovered just on time to return to school on Wednesday (6th day of CNY).

For dinner, I cooked a big pot of roast pork bone porridge with organic pumpkin and carrot and sauteed Chinese mustard greens with shimeiji mushrooms and egg. 

So glad to see Cass regaining her appetite and chomping down the bowl of porridge.