'Exotic' Triple-Layer Drink

If Drama Queen and I ever open a cafe, this 3-layer exotic drink will definitely make its way into the  Beverage Menu!

This is a super refreshing drink composed of 5 ingredients:
1. Water
2. Korean fruit vinegar
3. Sunquick tropical cordial
4. Organic blue / butterfly pea + lemongrass tea
5. Ice cubes

It's actually Drama Queen's school project. The students are instructed by their Science teacher to make a drink composed of three colors. It can be any drink as long as it's made up of 3 different colors (no Milo and Teh Tarik though as these two are already mentioned in the text book). And ice-cubes must be added into the drink.

Drama Queen chose Sunquick for the yellow, Korean fruit vinegar for the red and blue pea lemongrass tea for the blue color.

This little fun experiment shows that the ice cubes slow down the three colors from integrating with each other. With the ice cubes, the 3 types of drinks are layered, as shown in the picture above.

And the result is a very pretty sun set colored drink ~ yellow, orange, garnet, wine and purplish blue. OMG, I am so in love with the colors and taste of this drink! It's slightly sourish, fizzy (from the vinegar) and slightly sweet. And the ice cubes give it a very refreshing boost. Just perfect on a hot day.

Take a closer look!  The blue color from the blue pea flower looks electrifying and magical in this concoction. Set, we're going to include this triple layer stacked drink in our beverage menu if our plan of opening a health cafe materializes! 💪😆