Glorious Street Food

I am a firm believer of karma ~ what comes around, goes around. We can never ever escape the claws of karma, whether good or bad. I am no saint. I sin. Everyone sins. And by human nature, we are all selfish but I try hard, really hard to be generous, to do good and have good thoughts and be compassionate and benevolent.  Karma is a bitch and don't even try to  mess with it.

Just before CNY, I did some spring cleaning of my cupboards. I gave a bag of 90% new clothes to my part-time helper as my closet was so packed with clothes that I could hardly put in anymore new clothes. I could have easily snapped pix of the clothes and sell them cheap as pre-loved clothes at my online store. But I chose to give them to Maria, our loyal and efficient part-time helper. The next day, I gave her a pair of wedge sandals. Later in the week, I cleared other cupboards and gave her three handbags no more than 2 years old.  She was so grateful and thankful to me. I didn't expect to receive any good karma back in return. I just wanted to thank Maria for being there for me and for keeping me sane for the past 6 or 7 years ever since Dyah, our live-in helper returned to Indon for good.

This week, I received three pre-loved branded handbags from someone. The handbags are about 95% new. When I received them, I couldn't help but to wonder what a coincidence this must have been. I gave away three bags to my helper less than a month ago and this week, I received three 'new' ones! This is not the only coincidental karma incident that had happened to me, whether bad or good.  What we give to the universe will be what we receive in return. Someone is watching us. So watch our actions and words.

I can’t even think of the vaguest connection between food and my account on karma, so I’m not even going to try 😀  So... jumping right into it ~ glorious street food that I had this week 😋

After being away for 3.5 months and missing Malaysia street food, hubs and I brought the mil to dig into some glorious street food for breakfast the past two days to satiate her cravings.

Today we had char koay teow, nasi lemak with sambal sotong (not in picture), pan mee (also not in picture) and bitter gourd noodles:

On Tuesday we had curry noodles and yesterday we had chicken, char siew and siew yoke rice.   The 'sui kow' (dumplings in soup) from Good Taste restaurant are one of the best that I've tasted. This is something that I will always order over and over again with no sign of getting sick of it yet.

While we indulged in not-so-healthy street food, Cass and Drama Queen had homecooked food for breakfast and lunch. I don't believe in feeding kids with outside food everyday.  Thankfully Cass and Drama Queen are content with just blanched buckwheat or green tea noodles seasoned with a dash of soy sauce, sesame seed oil and toasted sesame seeds, served with an egg or some grilled chicken drummets. They wouldn't even mind having what we had for dinner the night before for breakfast or lunch again. For that, I'm grateful and thankful that I can just keep some dinner and pop it into the microwave oven the next day for these two girls. Alycia settles her breakfast and lunch in school.