March Athlete of the Month

Congratulations Angelo

Hometown: Schwenksville, PA

Current Location: Limerick, PA

Age: 23

Occupation: Operations Associate at Vanguard

College: Eastern University

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 1.5 years

Did you ever play sports? Baseball at Eastern

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? Mostly uncool hobbies like reading and learning new things about exercise.

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in the whole 2017 year? PR’ing a lot of contrasting things during the year. My strength improved a lot while also getting better at endurance based work .

What do you feel that you still need to work on? Everything. That’s the cool part about crossfit because you really can’t be “good enough” at anything.

Goals for this year? Have a better attitude during workouts I struggle in and just keep making small daily improvements.

What's your favorite WOD? Helen, Fran, and Endurance Class

How about your favorite food/snacks? Kodiak Cakes and Burritos from Cal Tort

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? I did a squat program for October, squatting 6 days per week on top of doing crossfit. I was pretty sore for the whole month, but got really strong.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Nancy Favorite lift/movement? Squats, Cleans

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Heavy Snatches and overhead squats

What skill are you planning on working on as the new year 2018 is here? Getting stronger at the Olympic Lifts, Ring Muscle Ups

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"?
My lifting belt

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? I’ve just gotten way more well rounded as an athlete and my body composition has continued to improve.

Who is your favorite coach? This isn’t a fair question. I’ve gotten so much from all the coaches at KOP. All the coaches who go to Saturday morning competitors class and push us to the limit deserve a special shout out though.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?.. 30 rounds of Cindy is something I’m pretty happy about. But, I don’t want to feel that pain again for a long time