My 45th Birthday, 29 March 2018

On my special day today, I did what makes me happy most ~ retail therapy!  Even if it means a short 1.5 hours at the mall.

I left the house with Drama Queen and the mil at 10:30 a.m., bearing in mind that I only had a max of 1.5 hours to shop including having lunch at the mall as I had to drop Drama Queen in school before 12:30 noon. She has a dance practice with her friends for a dance competition audition.

I don't know about you but shopping or window shopping is therapeutic for me.  Don’t laugh retail therapy off.  According to a research, 52 percent of people used retail therapy to improve a sour mood. Buying a new item or going to a thrift store can help with mild depression.  If it works for you, you should not feel guilty. Do it, enjoy it and don't overdo it and that's just what I do. I buy stuff that makes me happy but I don't overdo it or splurge. 😊

Lunch was at Pho Vietz again. We love the food here. It's delish and most importantly, the price is very reasonable considering that it's at a shopping mall. But I didn't really enjoy my meal this time as I was swallowing down my food hurriedly with Drama Queen rushing me off with her constant reminder of "mum, hurry, I'm going to be late!"  😠 🤬 I ended up choking on the beef noodles soup and felt like I had something stuck in my throat for the next couple of hours.

Dinner was at Taste And Memories, a Chinese restaurant that serves MSG-free home-cooked type of dishes.

We had steamed tofu with otak-otak; braised yam with pork belly, sauteed vegetables:

Pork lard claypot rice, pork knuckles black vinegar:

Assam fish with vegetables. This is everyone's favorite dish, albeit it's too spicy for me to handle.

Braised kampung chicken with ginger and sesame seed oil and sauteed bitter gourd with canned black bean fish:

Just when we were about to leave the restaurant, hubs surprised me with a birthday cake from one of his favorite cafes, Front Room.   It's a Black Forest cake and the owner brought the cake over to the restaurant. I'm never a fan of Black Forest cake though I grew up eating it at almost every birthday celebration at home as my dad loves it.  I was disappointed that my favorite pandan gula Melaka cake wasn't available and he had to settle for Black Forest. But just one mouthful of the cake and my whole perspective on Black Forest cake changed. My liking towards Black Forest cake was taken to a whole new level!  But that's only for Black Forest cake from Front Room Cafe and no other.

Check out this cute little boy eyeing the cake. After cake cutting, I brought two pieces over to the next table and asked the little boy's mum if he could eat the cake. But the parents turned down the offer politely and thanked me. And the little boy went bawling away as he had no cake to eat 😁

The hubs has been too tied up with work that he hadn't gotten the time to get me a present. But I am not letting him off the hook.  We're going to the shopping mall again on Saturday night to get my gift!