Our Sunday, 25 March 2018

We had breakkie of sandwiches with a choice of the following fillings: tuna onion mayo, mashed egg avo and half boiled eggs on Sunday before church.

This is my keto breakkie, sans bread and carbs ~ one half boiled egg with tuna onion mayo and cucumber:

This is Cass'  ~ mashed egg with herbs cream cheese, mashed avo + tuna onion mayo on a slice of multigrain bread. She ate TWO of these. TWO!!  On top of half a mango, half a nectarine and a glass of raw honey. She can eat like a piranha!

Check out the lovely avocado ~ it's from Mexico and is slightly cheaper than New Zealand ones  at only RM5 each but they taste just as creamy.  Dole avocados from Phillipines are pretty good too and are selling at RM5 each at our neighborhood supermarket. As I can source for affordable avocados from Mexico and Phillipines, we've been eating a lot of them the past one week. Bliss!

Lunch after church was with the hubs, mil and Cass at Lex Deux Garcons (LDG) @ Faber Towers (the hubs' favorite cafe).  Alycia and Drama Queen were at their weekly bible study class.

Sirloin steak for the hubs:

Classic chicken chop with portobello sauce for Cass and me; pasta for the mil

Super fluffy and pillowy pancakes for everyone and scones for the super hungry man who had skipped his breakfast to work.

Lunch at LDG was superb as always.  Dinner was takeout murtabak and roti pisang for Alcia who had a sudden craving for roti pisang!

Since Saturday, Drama Queen has been working on a paper mache volcano for her school's Library Week project.  The entire living room has been turned into a makeshift workshop for her. Everyone in the house has to bear with the mess and dirt and forgo TV just because she has occupied the entire floor in front of the TV and couch! 

The paper volcano is only 70% completed.  This morning she skipped Math tuition to work on the project. We have another day or two to bear with the clutter and dust from the papers and cut styrofoam . I have been sweeping and moping the floor till my back broke this morning, I kid you not!  I could barely bend my back and had to stick Salonpas pain relief patch.

What I dislike most about school projects is the parents have to bear the full cost of all the materials. This project may seem  inexpensive but my total cost amounts to almost RM200 from styrofoam to acrylic paints, papers, duct tape, celo tape, two gigantic bottles of glue, plastic wrappers, dry ice, et al.