Exam Week

My weekend was spent revising BM with Cass. Her first papers today are BM 1 and BM 2.  As with previous exams, it's never a breeze revising with Cass or Drama Queen or Alycia.  I wonder how I survived those vomit blood years tutoring them. I wonder how long more I can tolerate these exam tutoring sessions with Cass before I succumb and send her to the tuition center.  I don't recall myself being that stubborn or annoying when I was young.  I can remember very vividly  that my mum was a tiger mum when we were young. Once, she confiscated my eraser so that I could  not erase as I wish. She also locked me out of the house when I played at my neighbor's house for hours on end. But still, my brothers and I were never as bull-headed as my 3 girls now.

Below: in the lift on Saturday, getting ready for piano class.  In Cass' hand is her shopping list. She needed new glue, 2B pencils and some other stationery items for her exam and had been bugging me for days to get them for her but I only got them for her on the eve of the eve of her exam.

This morning: Four quail's eggs to give Cass the much needed brain power boost for her exam this week.

This rascal is still as cool as cucumber and not an ounce worried or anxious that it's her exam week. She still has the cheek to read her novels and even tried to sneak her novels into the bathroom!  But no way can she escape the claws of the tiger mum, breathing down her neck 😈.