Just Another Day In The Life Of Health Freak Mommy

Cass eats a soft-boiled egg and some water on some mornings. She can't eat much at 5:30 a.m. and a soft-boiled egg is one of the easiest food for her to swallow down her throat. She doesn't fancy having toast, cake, biscuit or bun in the morning. Sometimes she eats a few spoonfuls of cereal with milk.  Some mornings, she has a meat-filled pau or some fish paste. She prefers savoury food. Before she leaves the house, I give her a cup of honey with propolis.

If Cass sleeps later than 10:30 p.m. the night before, she will be zombified the next day. Who wouldn't be? I would be too. I am already zombified with just 6 hours of sleep each day.

Bento lunch box for Cass on Thursday this week:

Japanese rice with Korean kimchi and sauteed organic long beans with shredded pork.

In one week's time, Cass will be sitting for her first term exam. This time, she seems to have left her mojo behind, somewhere. We are both looking for the lost mojo! I am breathing in and out trying not to loose my cool and it's not easy. I've lost it many times but I keep hearing my gynae's words echoing in my head on what stress can do to my body. Suddenly, I have an urge to pack my bag and take a flight to an island for 2 weeks, come back and see what happens to the household!