Lunch Box & Breakfast For The Girls

For the first time in many, many months or maybe even years, my big girl asked me to help her prep her lunch box for school.  She usually buys food from her school canteen (which is really huge and with many stalls, like a food court). Since she started high school, she does not like to bring a lunch box to school anymore. I give her money to upload into her school's eWallet account and she buys food from the eWallet. Sometimes I get her a bun. But it's been aeons since I last prepped her lunch box. So today I took extra effort in remembering to prep her lunch box, which  was two slices of wholemeal bread spread with butter and avocado. Her favorite.

Once that was done, I quickly prepped Cass' first breakfast of the day at 5:15 a.m., which was three hard boiled quail's eggs, a wedge of avocado and a small handful of cashews.  She usually doesn't eat three things in the morning. I wanted  her to have something more sustaining to fuel her brain and body sufficiently as she has to tackle two Math papers and  History paper today.  After gulping down  a packet of Izumio or a glass of water, the most she can eat is a small apple, a soft boiled egg or a hard boiled egg or half a slice of bread. With two extra items today, she was grouchy (on top of her already grouchy temperament first thing in the morning when dragged out of bed at 5:30 a.m.) and asked me never to prep so much food for her in the morning 😴

As I wasn't used to prepping the big girl's lunch box, after prepping it, I forgot all about Cass' lunch box!  I was supposed to heat up the fried 'loh sue fun' (cooked last night) for her lunch box but it just slipped my mind after prepping Alycia's box.  And I only remembered about Cass' lunch box when I was in the shower after jogging.  Epic failure as a mum!!

When Cass got home, I apologized to her for leaving out her lunch box for recess. She had borrowed a Ringgit from her class teacher to buy food from the canteen. Thank God for a caring and loving class teacher, I am not that worried if Cass doesn't have money in school. Her teacher is always willing to lend her students money.  I am so sorry baby girl!!

Cass ate the fried 'loh sue fun' meant for her recess for lunch instead 😁