Saturday, 8 April 2018

Breakfast today was again with Cass only. Drama Queen was supposed to follow but this girl has an issue with waking up early in the morning. I don't know how I survived 10 years of waking her up for school from pre-school to elementary school. Those screaming days. Those days of spraying her face with water and using the whip, I kid you not. No wonder my gynae asked me what is it about that I am so stressed about. I just know that I have a lot of stressful days but can't seem to remember every one of them until I dissect each day to examine.

I had told her the night before that I would leave the house at 10 a.m. dot the next day and should she not be ready, she stays home. And I won't even bother to buy food back for her. And I kept my words.

Cass ordered fish paste noodles while I ordered junk food  chee cheong fun with an assortment of 'liu', including stuffed pig skin with fish paste 😱

I know what's on your mind. Health Freak Mommy eating such junk? I've been craving to dig into CCF with curry broth for weeks but have been controlling myself not to indulge in it but today I finally caved in. And it felt SO good!  😊😋

Again!  Miss Eleventh Hour rushing to complete a test paper before her Mandarin tutor comes.

After breakfast, I sent Drama Queen to school for Taekwando. After TKD, I brought her to De Market to meet up a friend for them to do their school Science experiment on a 3-layered drink. The teacher wants the experiment documented with video and photos.

While waiting and supervising the girls, I enjoyed my cuppa milk tea.

My lunch was salad, composed of alfalfa + broccoli sprouts, water apple, organic yacon (tastes like turnip and water chestnut and loaded with nutrients), sauteed brinjal and toasted almond strips drizzled with sesame salad dressing.

I've not been diligently pumping in raw salads for almost a year. Since early last year, I was frenzied by fear of a blood transfusion prior to my surgery and was on a carnivorous diet to increase my total blood count.  Miraculously my total blood count climbed from a reading of 6 to 12 (in just 3 months) and a blood transfusion was evaded on the day of my surgery. The GP whom I normally go to for my blood works commented that there is no way my TBC could climb up from 6 to 12 in just 3 months.  But it did and I think it's a miracle. 

Now that I am no longer anemic, I am back on a flexitarian diet and now all geared up to bring my cholesterol reading down again.