Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Cass is paranoid of falling sick or getting a tummy ache or down with feeling of malaise during the exam week. She's been pretty careful with what she eats since last Saturday.  She reminded me not to get her anything spicy, santan-ish or fried during the exam week. She has a bottle of Peppermint essential oil in her pinafore pocket which she swears by in warding off tummy aches. Since Saturday, she's not been lavishing herself with desserts after lunch and dinner. All her meals must have a sweet ending with a treat to her favorite snack but this exam week, she's only eating fruits as dessert. Way to go baby girl! ✋

This morning, she requested for an apple for her first breakfast of the day at 5:30 a.m.   I gave her a bottle of DIY roll-on Wake Me Up Young Living essential oil blend to apply on her wrist, to perk her up. It's always a struggle to keep her awake in the morning.

In her bento box for school recess was fried rice with curry leaves, traffic light colors bell pepper, French bean and pork cubes.

Dessert for lunch today is purple dragon fruit, an organic tomato and a glass of lemon water kefir. Dessert after dinner is another apple and a glass of Korean fruit vinegar.Woohoo, if only she could be such a health freak every single day, I will be SO proud of her. She loves chocolates and ice-creams and hijacks her dad's Häagen-Dazs macadamia nut ice-cream and Whittaker's almond chocolate almost everyday.

Picture taken at 7:30 a.m. today ~ beautiful splashes of sunrise colors on the sky. I had the time to snap this picture as I had skipped jogging today.

I woke up feeling sluggish this morning and felt like climbing back onto bed when my phone alarm buzzed at 4:15 a.m.. But I can never do this, not for the next 10 years, until Cass goes to college.  I've not had my minimum 6 hours of sleep for the past few days. Last week has been a hectic week. There was not a single day that I could sleep in. Not even on Sunday as Alycia had a jogathon and had to leave the house at 5:30 a.m. ON A SUNDAY! This whole week is exam week and Cass sleeps a little later than her usual time for revision.

After sending Cass off to the transporter, I crawled back onto bed, but about 20 minutes later, my mobile phone rang. It's Drama Queen's friend's mum. She called me to confirm on the shopping trip that her daughter and Drama Queen have planned for today. The two girls are going shopping to pick up matching outfits for their dance competition audition scheduled for this Saturday.  After chatting with the girl's mum, it was time to do another round of laundry and take my shower before we leave for the mall at 9:45 a.m.

Drama Queen for once got up early herself, prepped a lovely breakfast for herself consisting of two slices of wholemeal bread with scrambled eggs and avocado.

Girls on a mission:

New found friends since early this year and what got them close to each other is their love for dancing. The two girls are from different primary schools. They are now in the same English class in school. English classes are streamed according to the student's level of proficiency. They hit it off pretty well and are now on a mission to pass the audition to get into a dance competition. With no training from any dance teacher, Drama Queen choreographed the dance herself. Together with two other school mates, the three girls will rock the studio on Saturday.