W.O.D. 4.9.18

A new season is arriving... SPRING into Fitness, for only $50.. Calling all beginners, if you have been thinking about checking out CrossFit, this class is for you. 

Join us at 5:15 AM beginning on 4/10, this special runs Tuesday and Thursday for three weeks. 

 You get 6 classes, a personalized program, nutrition counseling and one free week of membership for only $50. We are looking for motivated individuals..who are looking for a change.
  CLICK HERE to sign up.

5 Rounds of:

3 Minute AMRAP:
30 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)
20/15 Air Bike Cals
5 Wall Ascents (6/8ft)
(3:00 Minutes Rest)

Record total Reps for all 5 Rounds of the 3 minute AMRAP.
1 RD = 55/50

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
—Meister Eckhart