Fluffed Cafe & Dessert Bar

I am surprised, very surprised with Cass' position for her first term exam.  Despite putting in only 30% effort in her revision and me putting in 70% effort in encouraging, guiding and pushing her, this laid-back little brat managed to emerge no. 18 in class and no. 19 in the entire standard of over 200 students.  This is not my ideal position for her.  Her grades are not up to my standard this time.  My ideal position is top 10 in the entire standard but what more can I ask for from this brat who just wasn't in the right mood to study for an exam after a half-year break from exams?  This brat has mood swings like someone going through PMS. She has to work extra hard for her mid-year exam in July and extremely hard for her final exam in October to remain in this class or she will be kicked out.

This said, even if Cass fails to remain in this class, I think I will be ready to let go. By letting go, I am letting go a big burden off my shoulders that I have carried for 3 years. Oh well, a child has to be a child and should have  more time for play and outdoor activities. With a new Education Minister on board the new Government, I am hoping for a revamp in our current crazy education system, which is treating school kids like guinea pigs with systems that keep changing resulting in syllabus that only gets tougher with each change, not to mention school bags that are heavier than the kid.  Thus, this is the reason why many parents have opted to send their children to international schools and private learning centers (home-school). I may do the same for Cass when it's her turn to go to high school but if Dr M M our new Education Minister and his team has something really promising in store, then I may change my mind.

Ok enough of boring academic talk and now on foodie talk!

On Sunday, after a heavy lunch at Gold Dragon City Seafood Restaurant @ Paramaount, PJ, we segued into Fluffed Cafe & Dessert Bar.

For the foodie hubs, a perfect Sunday means digging into a sumptuous lunch followed by coffee and cakes before he shoots off to his weekly basketball match at the Bukit Kiara Club.

This cafe makes much of its fare in its kitchen, including ice cream with flavours such as macadamia crumble, strawberry cheesecake, lavender blueberry and hokey pokey honeycomb.  Their range of whimsical cakes and latte are pretty impressive, thus there is always a crowd on weekends, patronized mostly by millenials.

The waffle that the girls ordered was very delightful but I think the smell of the lavender in the lavender blueberry ice-cream a tad overpowering. It tastes like my lavender essential oil, which I add into my DIY personal care and skin care products 😂.

The cakes are more for the girls. I just had one mouthful of the cheesecake and waffle and kept myself busy with photography.

Fluffed Cafe And Dessert Bar
55, Jalan 20/7, Taman Paramount,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tues-Sun, 12pm-10pm.
Tel: 03-7865 1833