Low-Carb Light Meals

I am a regular at the 'chap fan' (economy rice) stall at our neighborhood coffee shop. Drama Queen and I have our brunches there at least thrice a week. Each time I am seated at the table tucking into my dishes, surely one of the stall vendors will comment on my food. They can't believe the amount of food that's on my plate, which is a measly portion of dishes sans any rice and big chunks of meat. As I grow older by the year, I tend to get repulsed by the sight of big chunks of meat of all kinds. It's as if my inner body is trying to tell me not to put that stuff into it.  My tummy can't store too much food either as I have a pretty small stomach.

Here's what I had two days ago:

A scoop of steamed egg, a scoop of blanched ladies fingers with garlic, sambal minced pork with onions and fish paste with salted egg yolk sauce; a bowl of sugar-reduced red bean tong sui for more protein, iron and fiber boost.

And this was what Drama Queen had:

Fried chicken with sesame seeds, braised brinjal with minced pork, sauteed long beans, fish paste with salted egg yolk and sambal minced pork on a big plate of rice. Both Drama Queen and Cass eat way more than I do and I am always  amazed with how much food their stomach can store! It's unfair that they have flat tummies and mine is bulging!

I have stopped eating rice for 18 years now. It was in the year 2000 after my diagnosis  of having PCOS that I did an extensive research on PCOS and learned that it is an insulin-resistance disorder. A low-carb diet with exercise to reduce insulin levels is ideal for reversing PCOS. And it's proven. My years of staving off high-carb food with daily exercise have helped reversed this disorder 💪🙏