Lunch on Election Day - 9 May 2018

The month of May has always not been a good month for me.  Now that I mention, I just remembered that 9 years ago in the month of May, Cass and I went through 3 weeks of nightmarish stay at GMC Penang. She went through a complicated Uretheral Reimplantation surgery which ran into complications and was operated again 2 weeks later, after umpteen X-rays, CT Scan and other scans failed to pick up the cause of her persistent vomiting and bloating. Her surgeon did an emergency operation and found a kink at the end of her guts. 

It was also in May 2008 when Cass was a mere 3 weeks old infant that she got her very first UTI attack and was hospitalized. That day was the beginning of my long and arduous journey with my baby, who was later diagnosed as having Grade 3 Right Kidney Reflux with a duplex right kidney.

Last year on 31st May, I went for a Laproscopic Myomectomy surgery to remove a fibroid from my uterus.  3 years ago in May, I went for a nightmarish tooth extraction, which was my worst ever tooth extraction experience.  Even on my wedding day on 27 May 2000, things did not go smoothly.  On the hotel wedding dinner night, I had left my wedding bouquet in the hotel room and we paraded into the banquet hall without holding the flowers! Hah! 

But I believe that when you think of only positive things you attract positive vibes. When you are closer in your walk with God, things will be right. This year, things are still pretty smooth in the month of May *keeping my fingers crossed* and I'm praying hard to God for his continued blessings and protection. 

In the early morning of 10 May 2018, the entire Malaysia rejoiced when the Opposition Party won the General Election. This year's May is by far the happiest for me. Waking up knowing that I have our former PM (who is the PM I grew up knowing) as your current PM is one of the best feelings ever.

On the Election day, after a hot morning queuing up for our turn to cast our vote, we adjourned to our good friend, Alan Yun's restaurant (Limapulo) for Nyonya food.  Alan and us went to the polling center together and had lunch together at his restaurant.  I always look forward to going to Limapulo to tuck into all my favorite Nyonya delights. No where in the heart of KL can you find such tasty Nyonya food at Limapulo's affordable prices in an air-conditioned restaurant. Thus, there's always a crowd during lunch time. 

Sweet endings with Ice Kacang (left) and Sago Pudding with shaved ice and gula Melaka (right).

Limapulo (Baba Can Cook)