Wednesday, 16 May 2018 ~ Teacher's Day

I had a quick breakfast this morning before I popped by at the stall to collect my pre-order Mee Siam to send it to Cass in school for a Teacher's Day party at 10:15 a.m.  The hubs would usually get his chef to cook fried rice or spaghetti for Cass' school parties but his chef is on compassionate leave this week.

Breakfast was a hard boiled free-range chicken egg with raw organic cabbage, drizzled with my favorite Creamy Parmesan Caesar Dressing Fit For A King Like Uncle Jeff from Beerenberg Farm Australia. Such a long name for a salad dressing eh? But the ingredients ain't long, else I wouldn't have bought it.

Also gulped down a packet of Ningxia Red from Young Living for my immunity boosting and eye power.

Today I was feeling hungrier than usual, thanks to my Aunt Flow.  After the cabbage salad and egg, I still felt hungry, so walloped half a bowl of  corn flakes with granola and pistachios drizzled with extra virgin coconut oil and gula Melaka syrup. I don't like milk in my cereals.  I like eating my cereals crunchy.

After sending the Mee Siam to Cass in school, Drama Queen and I had an early lunch of economy rice. My pick today was a piece of fried fish with ginger slices, blanched lady's fingers with garlic and brinjal. Zero rice.  My carbs came from a bowl of red bean and mung bean sweet soup (reduced sugar).

I raised my eyebrow when Drama Queen showed me her plate of rice. I asked her why didn't she choose a green vegetable and her reply was "brinjal is a vegetable!"

NO, brinjal is NOT a vegetable! It's a fruit!

Bet many of you don't know this eh?

After lunch, I walked to a nearby stall to buy fruits. Then Drama Queen had a brainwave. She asked me if she could give fruits to her class teacher for Teacher's Day instead of chocolates and I said "why not?" It's an excellent choice and I am pretty sure that her teacher would prefer to receive fruits vs chocolates.

Drama Queen's pick was maroon dragon fruit and mango. Back home, she ransacked grandma's cake-making drawer and fished out a pretty cake box that grandma bought from Taiwan to put the fruits.

Hopefully Drama Queen's teacher likes the gift, as much as we do.