MGS Ipoh's Century-Old Rain Tree Is Gone!

Our famous and beautiful rain tree... I was trying to locate the key 🔑... couldn't find it! #RainTree #tree #AlmaMater #MGS #MGSipoh #MethodistGirlsSchoolIpoh #MGS120years

The Rain tree above is over 100 years old but today its life came to a sad tragic end.  This Rain tree  had stood majestically at my alma mater, Methodist Girls' School Ipoh and had been the school's emblem since the beginning of time.

The school's committee decided to have the iconic Rain tree axed to make way for the construction of a new hall. When my ertswhile classmates and school mates found out about the axing of the tree just today, we signed a Petition to save our beloved Rain tree but it was way too late.

My fondest memories of this grand old Rain tree is of assembling under it with my classmates every afternoon before class when we were in Form 1. We created so much happy memories under this shady old tree ~ giggling, goofing around, creating friendship that would last a life time and at times did our last minute cramming before exams. On some days, we had our PE, practised marching and played under this tree. Many of my Girl Guide outdoor activities (cooking competition, bamboo structure assembling, etc) were carried out under this tree.

When we found out today via our Whatsapp chat group that the tree had been axed, we felt as if our close and old friend's life had been snatched away.  Way too soon. 😭😭😭😭 This Rain tree had created so much fond memories to tens of thousands of girls for over 100 years.  MGS was founded in 1895 by Reverend William Edward Horley.

And this is our beloved Rain tree today, axed. Soon it will be completely uprooted.

I started my early education at the Methodist kindergarten when I was 6 years old, then moved on to the Methodist Primary School where I spent 6 memorable years there and finally spent 5 glorious years of high school at the Methodist Girls Secondary School.  Though at three different buildings, the three schools are  housed in the same vicinity.

Mum was a teacher at the Methodist Primary School upon graduating from the Teacher's Training College until she retired at age 55 years.

Good bye our beloved Rain tree. Our hearts bleed and cry for you.  Hopefully the relevant authority will have the sense to put your branches and sturdy trunk to good use. At least you will not be demolished to ash. You have definitely imprinted a legacy in our hearts, forever 😢