Generation Z Kids Problems

Today I spent RM250 on Drama Queen’s eye glasses and it is the cheapest available plastic eye frame at the optical shop. Knowing her trend of having to change glasses three times a year, I told the staff to find me the cheapest possible eye frame. It’s Drama Queen’s second pair of glasses in under 3 months!

And I had to walk for 15-20 minutes under the sizzling sun from the kopitiam to the stationery shop to get her a pair of scissors first, then walk to the eyewear shop and back to the car park, drenched in sweat and cussing away.

Because she couldn’t be bothered when I told her to take very good care of her glasses, she broke the frame out of her carelessness and lackadaisical attitude.

Because she didn’t listen when I told her not to read in dim lightings, the power on her right eye increased.

Because of her stubbornness, I had to pay RM250.  Is this even fair?

Me – I am going to take money from your Savings account to pay for your glasses. It’s totally unacceptable that I have to pay for two pairs of glasses in less than 3 months.

S – Up to you…

Me – No, I think I shouldn’t take from your Savings account. The money is for your college. You have to work for me FOR LIFE FOR FREE!

S – Don’t I already?

Me – Without any complaint and eye-rolling and to do whatever that I ask you to! Get it? NO COMPLAINTS!

S – Whatever..

Last week I spoke to a friend with a 14-year old son and she told me that her son is rude to her too, with eye-rolling, “whatevers”, grunts and disobedience.

Is this a post millennial / Gen Z / iGeneration or whatever you call it teenager issue that we parents are facing now? I was never like that towards my parents when I was a teenager. I would not have lived through the next day peacefully had I dare to be disrespectful to my papa.

Do your teenage children behave in a disrespectful manner to you?