Dinner At Jogoya Buffet KL @ Starhill Gallery

My eldest sil from Hong Kong treated us to dinner at Jogoya Buffet KL at Starhill Gallery on her last weekend with us.  She wanted to bring us to some classy fine-dine restaurant with good food  and good service. The hubs asked around and one of his friends suggested Jogoya.  It was a mistake that he listened to his friend. We were utterly disappointed with the food there.

We should have Googled for reviews on Jogoya first before the hubs even booked the place.  Both the hubs and I had been too busy with our own things and work that we had forgotten to Google for the reviews on the restaurant before he booked the table.

No doubt, the buffet spread at Jogoya was very wide and looked gastronomical.  Ambience was pretty conducive too.  There were crabs, huge prawns, clams, abalone, scallops, oysters, mussels, all types of fish cooked in a variety of styles, sashimi, sushi, Dim Sum, double boiled soups, sharksfins soup, Japanese food, Chinese food,  Western food, fresh coconut water,  Haagen Dazs ice cream, New Zealand ice cream, awesome spread of desserts and many, many more. I was really excited on seeing the panoply of food on display when we first stepped into the restaurant. The restaurant is so huge that one can actually get lost inside.  There was so many types of dishes that we did not even managed to try every single dish. BUT somehow, something was missing and it was the quality of the food served.

My sil who is very persnickety about the quality of the food that she eats was the first to notice the quality of the food, especially the seafood. Being a well-traveled gourmand who enjoys fine dining and fresh seafood,  she was obviously disappointed. But being a very happy person generally, she laughed it off.  Even the four kids were not too pleased with the food except for the ice creams where Haagen Dazs and New Zealand brand ice creams were served. Most of us stuffed ourselves silly by scarfing down scoops after scoops of Haagen Dazs ice creams.  Towards the end of the meal, we ordered two types of fish, steamed ala Chinese and those were pretty good.  The sil who was worried that the kids were not full wanted to bring the kids to another place for pizza but we adults objected as they already had a lot of ice creams swooshing in their tummies.  Moreover Cass and I had to sleep early as we had to wake up early the next day for Cass' full day motivational camp in school.

Overall, the quality of the food is not comparable with the price. At RM132 nett per person (total bill was over RM1k), the quality of the food is really lacking.  It will obviously be our first and last time dining at Jogoya.  But we had a great time bonding and laughing.  I am very sure that this experience will be a joke that the sil will talk about repeatedly each time she comes back to Malaysia and dines with us.