Makan Marathon (Sunday, 15 Sept 2018)

Last Sunday the hubs was in a 'Makan Marathon' mode. It's been a while since he dragged us out on a pigging out marathon.

Our main mission on Sunday was to bring Alycia (who will be sitting for her PT3 and UEC exams next month) to Popular bookstore to get some revision books. But we ended up pigging out the whole day. 🐷

We first had brunch at Meng Kee 'tai chow' restaurant @ Old Klang Road.  We had half a roast 'Pei Par' duck, steamed Lala clams in wine, braised fish head, vegetables and braised pork knuckles.

About two hours later after our mission was accomplished at Popular bookstore, we were in disbelief when the hubs said that he was feeling  hungry! But that's really typical of him.  Good food always elevates his mood up a few notches.

Our first stop was at Take Eat Easy Gastro Cafe @ Pearl Suria Shopping Gallery where we had chocolate lava cake and coffee.

While enjoying the lava cake and sipping on his coffee, the gourmand hubs was hinting that he had a craving for 'La Mien' (pulled noodles). O.M.G.!

Before we segued into Paradise Dynasty to satiate the man's craving, he made a pit stop at KyoChon to get takeout Korean  fried chicken (two flavors)!  I could not even think of stuffing fried chicken down my throat when we just had brunch, dessert and were about to have another Chinese meal at 3pm!

At Paradise Dynasty, the hubs' pick were the signature La Mien (not in the picture), 2 racks of Xiao Long Bao and 'Gau jie' (dumplings).

The colorful Signature Dynasty Xiao Long Bao that comes in 8 flavours.

I could not believe how fast the hubs' stomach could process his food at such amazing speed! While waiting for our Xiao Long Bao to arrive, I  'studied' his eating pattern from our first meal to our last and then I tracked down the answer!  Though we had many meals, 70% of the food was scoffed down by our 3 perpetually hungry piranhas who all seem to have a bottomless pit!!  No wonder I too wasn't feeling very stuffed though we have had 4 meals.

Back home at 4pm, I did some house chores (I was happy I could burn off some calories,  haha!) before we headed to our next destination for dinner ~ roast turkey at the hubs' aunt's unit (two floors down ours).

Christmas dinner came really early this year as the hubs' aunt, the one who usually cooks up a storm for our annual Christmas dinner won't be in Malaysia this Christmas. She will be spending Christmas  in London this year.

My favorite dish is always the roast vegetables platter, in particular the oven-roasted beetroot, lightly seasoned with salt and olive oil.  Beetroot has risen to superfood status over the last decade or so. Beets contain a variety of unique health-boosting and disease-fighting nutrients.  I like beets cooked in any style. I am not a big fan of turkey though. I find the meat too dry and bland for my liking.

The hubs' makan marathon continued and today we spent the entire morning on a jaunt ~ eating and shopping for hubs' catering supplies while the girls were at school🤭.