Feasting Spree ~ 28 December 2018 (Purple Cane Restaurant & Tommy Le Baker)

For the past four days when my parents were in KL, we traversed to so many places in KL in search of good food that I lost track of where we went on each day!

On Friday, 28 December, we had lunch at Purple Cane Restaurant and then to Tommy Le Baker.

Our healthy dishes from Purple Cane, which are mostly tea-infused and seasoned with tea leafs:

Clockwise from top left: Tomato omelette, fish and pumpkin, Bakuteh, fried oyster mushrooms, deep fried squids with Nestum

Dishes at Purple Cane are cooked with reduced salt, oil and sugar. Those whose palates are trained to savor dishes laden with salt, sugar and MSG may find the dishes at Purple Cane a tad bland. I like the food at Purple Cane as they taste very much home-cooked. And you won't have an insatiable thirst after the meal.

Clockwise from top left: sauteed spinach, 'Lui Cha' with brown rice, braised chicken with peanuts and a vegetarian dish,

After lunch at Purple Cane Restaurant  we segued into Tommy Le Baker (TLB), located just around the corner at Kg Atap to bring my parents to sample the most expensive sourdough bread in KL! It's a quaint little cafe that sells just sourdough bread, coffee, tea, juices and homemade ice-creams. But don't underestimate this cafe. Despite its limited menu at the Kg Atap outlet, TLB is always bursting with patrons, who presumably are all fans of sourdough breads / healthier breads.

Sourdough bread is an acquired taste. When I  first tried the bread from TLB, which the mil bought, I did not like it a wee bit. It tasted stale, sourish, dry and hard. No one in the family liked it.  I did not know that I had to toast the sourdough bread to bring out its best flavor and texture. The sourdough breads at TLB are sold by weight, which comes up to a few Ringgit per piece, depending on the size.

But the second time time I tried the sourdough bread at TLB cafe, I started to fall to fall in love with it.   The photo below was taken on 21 December 2018 when we went to TLB for brunch.  Hubs ordered a grilled Mozarella & Tomate Tartine and I instantly fell in love with it.  It looks like we had been eating sourdough bread the wrong way, thus the reason why we didn't quite figure out how to appreciate it.

The salted caramel ice-cream from TLB is to-die-for, at least for me as I am a big fan of salted caramel. The sweetness is just right and I love the fragrant aroma of caramel in every bite of the ice-cream. At RM10 for a small cup, it's pretty costly but totally worth it.

What is sourdough bread?
Traditional white bread is usually made with sugar, canola oil/butter and dried, preserved yeast to leaven the dough. Sourdough bread is usually made with no sweeteners or oils. It contains mostly whole wheat flour and water, and its secret ingredient: live yeast cultures, which is the “thing” that gives it that well known tangy flavor.
Not only does using live instead of dried yeast change the flavor, but it also means it stays fresh after being baked much longer than factory baked bread and doesn’t require any extra preservatives to ward off mold.

Similar to other fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir, pickles, and kombucha, sourdough bread is fermented by using lactobacillus cultures (a probiotic, aka bacteria that benefits your gut).

OK, back to our feasting spree on 28 December!  This is what we ordered at TLB:

Simple toasted sourdough bread slices with butter and marmalade jam. Something so basic and simple yet totally satisfying. And I'm talking about gobbling down all these breads plus ice-cream and coffee right after a heavy lunch at Purple Cane! 😀😜

The egg mayo sandwich is outrageously yums yet ridiculously simple. This is something that we could prep at home everyday but how come we could never get this perfect outcome?

RM101.07 just on sourdough bread, coffee and ice-cream! Told you it's expensive. But worth it for the occasional treat! Thanks to my younger brother, Roy for this treat!

After 2 heavy meals, we had Korean for dinner that evening!  Talk about food, my girls really have a bottomless pit. As for me, I did not gain a pound despite all the pigging out. Not surprising to me as I control my food portion very strictly.  In fact, I lost about 1kg after the school holidays, though I did not workout, not even for a day.  Reason ~ I'm down with a bad throat, lost my voice and have not been eating well for the past one week. My weight now stands at something like 44.7kg. My girls sarcastically told me that I am grossly underweight! But I think they're jealous 😆

Now, I have allowance to indulge in durian, steak and ice-cream when I feel better. They're all in the fridge, waiting for me to claim them. Bring on the CNY cookies too!!