Waiting For Perfect Conditions Means Fitness Never Happens

How many days have gone by without starting a fitness program? What things continue to take priority? What are you waiting for?

We have good intentions and want to get healthy but follow through is lacking. Why?

Stop Making Excuses

Honestly, we can all make excuses and come up with reasons why fitness isn't happening. The following are just a few of the most popular:

  • I am too busy
  • I'm waiting for the right time
  • I have to take care of the kids all day
  • My work doesn't allow time
  • I just can't find the time
  • It's too hard
  • I don't want to give up my current lifestyle

It's time we stop allowing excuses to get in the way of health and fitness. Health is your wealth. Think about it - without good health, you couldn't live such a busy life. Declining health equals no work, no social life, and no money. Not that money is or should be the most important thing in life. But, you get my point.


Priorities are skewed not the concept of getting healthy. The problem is time mismanagement and continuing to place other things above your fitness. Can we agree that this makes no sense? Why are you waiting for illness to enter your life before taking action? Taking care of your health isn't selfish, it's necessary.

Life without good health is not a quality life at all. When the morning routine means taking pills for proper body function there is something wrong. This is referencing self-induced illness like high cholesterol, hypertension, pre-diabetes, and obesity that can occur by not taking care of yourself. Sadly, this has become an acceptable norm for society.

It all comes down to making health a priority and a permanent lifestyle.

Someday Isn't a Day of the Week

Waiting for 'someday' to get healthy is no longer an acceptable excuse. Besides, someday doesn't qualify as a day of the week.

Do you want to lose fat, feel great, move better, and be happy? Do you want to toss those pills prescribed from self-induced illness? Do you want to be healthy?

In order to improve your health, it needs to become a priority.  This will require making a personal choice and action to live healthy each day. Your busy lifestyle should include consistent workouts and healthy food.

Fitness takes good time management. For example, making gym time one of your social hours without canceling. It also means preparing healthy food ahead of time so you are eating right at work. This will keep you out of the vending machines, break room junk food, or nearby restaurants.

Simple Changes - Big Rewards

You can achieve your goals by applying simple changes that equal big rewards. It will be a progressive life-long journey. It's not meant to be perfect just healthy.

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