How to Firm and Develop Your Butt

Having a firm, lifted, developed butt is a common goal for women. Whatever you wish to call it - bootie or backside - it remains a hot topic among the ladies.

Learning how to work the butt muscle correctly will help develop a nice backside. It's also important to understand all women have different body types. No two butts will look the same so toss looking like someone else out the window.

Your butt and build are unique to you. Now that is covered, you can now focus on developing your assets.

One more thing - there is no such thing as spot reduction. Fat loss happens from head to toe and if it happens to come off your butt first, that's how your body was designed to function.

Your Butt Muscle and Exercise

There's a lot of muscle involved to work your butt including:

  • Gluteus maximus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus
  • Piriformis

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle of the butt and responsible for moving the hip and thigh. Suggested exercises to train this muscle include:

  • Weighted squats
  • Lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • Sprints
  • Step-ups

The gluteus medius abducts the hip, meaning it moves the leg away from the side of the body. It also helps with hip rotation. The following exercises are helpful to develop this muscle:

  • Standing or lying hip abduction
  • Lateral band walk
  • Clamshell

The gluteus minimus also helps with hip abduction and extension. Exercises that work the gluteus medius also help develop the gluteus minimus. Additional movements that can isolate this muscle include:

  • Bent knee side bridge
  • Side bridge (performed with straight leg)
  • Transverse abduction

The piriformis is a small muscle that helps rotate the hip. It can become aggravated when overworked and is involved with sciatic pain. It is important to stretch this muscle after your butt workout to reduce the incidence of inflammation or piriformis syndrome. The following exercises and stretches are suggested for the piriformis:

  • Resisted hip abduction
  • Forearm planks
  • Gluteal stretch
  • Standing hamstring stretch

As with all physical training, having a balanced program that includes a variety of exercise is important. This will help with enhancing your assets with proper muscle development.

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