Fenix Chinese Restaurant @ KL Gateway Mall

Our Saturday evening yesterday was a wet one.  As hubs is recovering from a cold, he reckoned that having dinner at a mall with covered car park will be the best so that no one gets wet from the rain.  Hubs likes to drives us all to a lunch or dinner venue without telling us where he'll be bringing us to. He likes to spring surprises on us. So when we found out that he was turning into KL Gateway Mall, we were all pleasantly surprised, especially me cos after dinner we could shop at H&M! 😆

This is not the first time that we've dined at Fenix Chinese Restaurant. When my SIL from  Hong Kong came back for a holiday last year, we went to this restaurant for lunch. My SIL who's persnickety when it comes to food was very satisfied with the food at Fenix and she went there again a few days later.

Gohtong Jaya's well-respected Loong Kee restaurant opened its first outpost in KL in April 2017. Fenix is a worthwhile entry in a city with no shortage of Chinese eateries. The culinary offerings at Fenix are backed by a team with 42 years of experience in local oriental specialty dishes.  Each dish is prepared by highly-skilled chefs using the freshest locally sourced ingredients such as vegetables delivered daily from Bukit Tinggi to ensure freshness in both presentation and taste.

Fenix’s signature dish is steamed fresh water fish which is a definite “must have” for customers who pride themselves as foodies.  Hubs ordered a steamed Patin fish, as recommended by the chef.  There are two types of Patin at Fenix: wild Patin caught from the river and farmed Patin. The wild Patin is obviously costlier.  Hubs ordered farmed Patin.

Patin steamed to perfection - fresh and no fishy odor with tender flesh.

Stir-fried crunchy water spinach (Kangkong) in claypot.

Sauteed jumbo squids with chives and big onions.

Pat Po (Eight Treasure) chicken.  The filling inside the chicken is reminiscence of 'lo mai kai' (steamed glutinous rice with chicken) as similar ingredients are used.

Asam prawns and squids with fresh pineapple wedges, ladies fingers and lots of big onions.

Double boiled soup

We'll definitely be back at Fenix soon to sample other dishes that look mouthwateringly good.

Fenix Chinese Restaurant
LG1.02, KL Gateway Mall,
Jalan Kerinchi,
Kampung Kerinchi,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-7931-3889

After our sumptuous dinner which left me filling really stuffed, we had a good 1.5 hours shopping and walking around H&M and by the time we reached home, I was feeling hungry again. Hubs bought Burger King for supper but I didn't eat any.   I'm doing really well on a 12-hour intermittent fasting / time-restricted feeding based on my circadian rhythm and I'm seeing excellent results in terms of better immunity, increased energy and weight loss and I'm not going to screw it up with fast food for supper. I have steely determination when it comes to my health 😉

My samseng girl trying on some killer heels which left me in stitches when she tried to balance on them. Alycia and Sherilyn couldn't find any nice dinner dresses at H&M and we're trying our luck again this week at another mall. We've got a wedding dinner to attend on the first day of 2020.  And the next day will be the first day of school for the girls!