Sunday, 24 November 2019

My Sunday today didn't start off quite well.   In fact, everything seemed to go wrong.  At about 9 a.m, the water faucet in the wet kitchen suddenly 'exploded' and was yanked off from the wall by strong water pressure (see pic below), resulting in water gushing out in extremely high pressure, like something you would see when there's a burst water pipe on the road. I was drenched and the kitchen floor started to flood. The previous smart alec contractor removed the water switch from our kitchen (don't ask me why) and the water supply can only be turned off at the Water Meter room outside our unit, which is under lock and key and the resident needs to call the guard to come up to unlock the door to turn off the damn water switch. Dang it!  My mind was blank. I didn't know what to do to stop the water from flooding the kitchen floor!

I grabbed a pail from the floor to collect the water but the pressure was so strong that the water was shooting everywhere and the pail could not even contain the water as it was filling up to the brim within seconds and over-spilling everywhere really quickly. I quickly ran to the room and woke up the hubs, who nonchalantly (and rather cheesed that I woke him up from his much deserved beauty sleep coz it's a Sunday!) dragged his feet to the kitchen in a zombified state.

Hubs positioned the pail in a way that would stop the water from spilling onto the already partially flooded floor while I called the guard to come up to turn off the water switch. After the guard turned off the water switch, I realized that everyone still needed water to wash up and clean up.  The washing machine was also running in progress. The water cannot be turned off just yet; so I summoned the guard to turn the switch on again.  After I'd calmed down, I went to the Water Meter room and controlled the switch to lower the water pressure. Then I called our usual handyman, Ah Fai for SOS help.  I think he was still in bed and he only reached our condo some 3 hours later as he had to eat breakfast and had to buy a new water faucet from the shop.  Over the years of being our handyman, Ah Fai has become our good friend. Though he had survived from a fall from the second floor of a building recently and is now hobbling around in pain with a metal in his leg, Ah Fai quickly obligated to come to our condo.

The figure on our water bill will surely double or triple this month!!  It's already very high at over RM120 every month.

When everyone had cleaned up and the washing machine completed its cycle, I turned off the water switch, then sent the girls to Sunday School in church.  The girls were already terribly late for Sunday School and the next stumbling block greeted us at the lift.  Both the lifts were not moving!  Great!!  So we used the stairs. I was praying that my car would not break down since Murphy's Law can be such a pain at times. πŸ˜‚

Ah Fai came at noon and fixed the problem in under half an hour.  After he left, I had a major cleanup of the kitchen before rushing back to the church to fetch Cass back.  As Sherilyn was still at an outing with her Sunday School friends (last outing for this year), I told her to get Grab back home later.  And the next problem greeted us.  Both Sherilyn and I could not get a Grab driver after trying for over half an hour. Finally she got her classmate whose a Malay to help her and she succeeded in getting a driver from MyCar at an even cheaper fare (RM10 vs RM15).

When Sherilyn met us at the Japanese restaurant for lunch later, she told us that the MyCar driver, an Indian man, was feeling dubious over the pickup order. When he saw from his app that his customer was a Malay but the pick up was at a church, he was worried that it's another prank. Why would a Malay be going to the church he thought?  And when he saw a Chinese girl getting into his car instead of a Malay, he couldn't refrain himself from asking Sherilyn a ton of questions. Earlier in the day, he had received several strange and prank orders and one was from an old lady from the East Coast.  We all had a good laugh over this hilarious encounter that the Indian MyCar driver had today with Sherilyn.πŸ˜‚

Dinner was at the girls' grand uncle's (hubby's uncle) house.  Uncle J has just returned from Christchurch for the year-end holidays and called us over for dinner.  Cass and I got our dose of pet therapy and we brought home homegrown bitter gourd, curry leaves, kafir lime leaves and bananas that we plucked ourselves from the garden πŸ’“