Tuesday, 11 February 2020

I got a scare last night when Alycia came to me and asked me to touch her forehead. She said that her body felt hot and her throat hurt slightly. I checked her temperature and it showed 40C 😱 With the 2019-nCoV spreading like wild forest fire to 25 countries including ours, I can't discount this as small matter. I told her to skip school tomorrow (today) and sent her to bed early.

At 6 a.m. today  her temperature shot up to 41C. I quickly fixed her a glass of Panadol Soluble and got her to guzzle down a packet of Izumio. After my morning exercise and sending Sherilyn to school, we went to the clinic. I don't normally bring the girls to the clinic at the onset of a fever. I usually self treat them at home. But because of the Coronavirus scare and also Alycia's school requires an official MC (failing which marks will be deducted), I took her to the clinic. She was prescribed with Panadol and some lozenges.

After sending Alycia home, I went to e-Genki for a 1.5 hour massage session, which the hubs has pre-booked for me. He recently signed up for a RM2k+ massage package that comes with 10 sessions of massage.  e-Genki is a fusion form of modern bioelectric meridian therapy and traditional massage. I needed it to fix my aching shoulder blades and frequent stiff neck. My only beef about this massage is I had to strip down to my underwear and donned on only a pair of disposable undie provided by the centre 😂

I will have to monitor Alycia's temperature closely. Her fever is under control though she's only taken one dosage of Panadol Soluble. I think 'll keep her home for another day. Her teachers and classmates won't be too happy to see her in school if she went back to school tomorrow with a slight temperature.