MCO Day 3 - 20 March 2020

Today is day 3 of the Movement Control Order (MCO) and I have not gone out of the condo to buy food supplies and groceries. From our condo we have a very good view of KLCC and KL Towers.  When I gazed out of the condo and saw the beautiful view of KLCC this morning, I had this urge to go to KLCC or just any shopping mall to do what I love most. I really do miss going to the malls 😞  And it will be another 11 days at the earliest before the MCO is over provided the number of Covid-19 cases decline.

The Health Ministry announced 130 new Covid-19 cases as of noon today, bringing the tally to 1,030! If the numbers do not go down, the MCO will be extended and it will be everyone's nightmare!  Even Alycia is complaining of boredom being stuck in the house with nothing much to do.

This morning I got up at 5 a.m. to resume my pre-dawn exercise at the jogging trek of our condo and it felt so good after a week long hiatus.

Hubs spent all his free time Marie Kondo-ing the house. Day 1 he MK-ed the store room.  Day 2 the cupboards and Day 3 the TV console drawers. When he got tired from all the clearing, vacuuming and cleaning, he plonked himself on the daybed and glued his eyes and hands to his phone.  After doing this the entire day, he stared at the clock at 8:50 p.m and said "What, it's only 8 plus now?!"  😆  And with nothing much to read and see from his phone anymore, he toddled to the bedroom and plonked himself on the bed.

This kind of free and easy life with nothing to do and with lots of sleep everyday is something that the both of us have always yearned to have but now that we've gone through it, we rather have back our busy lives 😁

On hindside, the MCO is a very economical and healthy way of life for us. We get to sleep early, wake up late and get 12 hours of sleep (for hubs but definitely not for me!), eat homecooked food 3 meals a day, we hardly spend any money on some days and even on weekends we eat at home and don't go out 😂

Our MCO Day 3 brunch of roast pork bones porridge:

Sherilyn cooked mushroom pasta as she wanted to finish off the box of cream that she used for the tiramisu and strawberry lemon cakes that she baked earlier this week.

Very toothsome mushroom pasta with grated lemon zest, washed down with a mug of matcha, our antioxidant drink everyday.

We had old cucumber soup, blanched broccoli and celery and sauteed pork with big onions for dinner but I forgot to snap photos of the dishes except for the soup 😑

This is the very reason why I have to move my arse from my cozy bed so early in the morning to exercise, else this is going to be me when the MCO is over 😂