MCO Day 18 & 19 ~ 4 & 5 April 2020

MCO Day 18 ~ I went to the supermarket today to pick up a few items, but that was just a stalking horse to get out of the house so that I remain sane. I've not gone out of my unit for exactly 7 days nor have I gone to do my pre-dawn brisk walking for more than 3 days.  Our condo Management office shot out a new circular with additional restrictions on residents, one of it is residents are not allowed to do any recreational activity within the compound of the condo.  This means I can no longer walk at our condo jogging trek until the MCO is lifted.  Without my daily pre-dawn quiet time, I feel crushed and even more depressed. I am imagining that I'll fall ill without my daily dose of workout.

MCO day 18 dinner: pan fried turmeric mackerel fish paired with a sauce of black vinegar, sugar and julienned ginger, braised organic miso and fermented black beans bitter gourd with chicken, sweet corn fritters and braised Hakka pork (given to us by hubs' aunt who lives on the 3rd floor).
The sweet corn fritters is made using leftover mashed potatoes, carrots and sweet potato from last night's dinner, with corn kernels added and pan fried.

Clear skies after a heavy downpour yesterday. Picture taken at 7:15 p.m.

MCO Day 19 ~  Since we have been advised not to partake in recreational activities in the compound of our condo, I decided that I have to start an indoor MCO workout. Though I have enough of movements everyday from house work and I have not gained an ounce of weight, I still need proper workout to break more sweat and for my heart health, mental health, bone health and overall health.  Since there isn't much washing and cleaning to do in the kitchen as hubs bought Yong Tau Foo takeout for dinner, I started my first HIIT workout with free online videos from You Tube, in front of our smart TV.

Alycia got up early today to attend an online youth church meeting via Zoom.  I got her to pan fry frozen Roti Canai for brunch, which she willingly obliged to. One of the upsides of the MCO is that this princess with royal fingers is more willing to help out in the kitchen as she's dang bored of being cooped up in her room.

Not crispy but still yummy!  We are all very deprived of Indian food, hawkers' food and Japanese food!  Next time, I will stretch out the roti canai before frying it (without oil) on the pan to get a crispy texture and fluff it up with my hands, just like how the Indian makes it!

Precious reheated chicken rendang from hubby's kitchen, cooked 2 weeks ago.  We are feeling the effects of the MCO now.   We try not to waste food and eat / cook mindfully. Another upside of the MCO ~ reminding us to eat / spend frugally and to reduce food wastage.

After brunch, I watched a streamed video of today's sermon by Pastor Lewis.

For tea time, we had tang yuan with black sesame filling in pandan + ginger sweet soup. Sherilyn made a batch of super fluffy and delish chocolate pancakes.

We bought the mini glutinous rice balls (Kg Pastry brand) in December last year, meant for Winter Solstice Festival but never got a chance to cook it until now! The tang yuan balls are mouth-wateringly good with generous amount of black sesame filling oozing out as you bite into the balls.

Sherilyn made chocolate mousse a few days ago. Today she whipped up some egg whites and added a little flour into the chocolate mousse to churn out some really fluffy chocolate pancakes that are eye-rollingly delicious. Not a cinch to make but since she's got all the time in the world in a house quarantine, what's there to complain?  She really knocked it out of the park with pancakes this time!

We had a very early dinner today, at 5 p.m.! Hubs bought takeout Yong Tau Foo from my favorite shop in our neighborhood.

Since there's not much washing and cleaning to do in the kitchen, I started my first in-house MCO workout at 6:30 p.m. and pulled Cass in to follow.  Hubs, Alycia and Sherilyn later joined in with their own workout.  Our living room has turned into a gym throughout the MCO. Everyone has to queue to use the house gym 😆