MCO Day 25 ~ 11 April 2020

Hubs was in the mood to cook today, thus he took over the kitchen to dish out both brunch and dinner  for everyone today!

Brunch was pretty simple, composed of fried wallet eggs and onion tuna mayo on sourdough toasts. I've never really liked sourdough breads but have now gained an acquired taste for it. The secret to enjoying the perfect sourdough bread is to toast it till it's crispy. This is how I enjoy it and I discovered my love for sourdough bread at Tommy Le Baker.

For tea time, we had steamed Japanese sweet potatoes while our Baking Queen prepped a luscious mango banana smoothie bowl for herself and shared some with me.

To celebrate the weekends (though every single day feels the same when you're quarantined at home!), which we always do pre-MCO, we had pan-fried steak, a grilled root vegetables dish composed of carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes, steamed organic sweet corns and blanched organic spinach and lady's fingers.  Hubs pan-fried the steak and turned the kitchen into a greasy smoky mess!!! 😱😭  And I spent the rest of the evening wiping down the stove, tiled walls, glass sliding door, floor and sinks.  And this is the sole reason why I just hate frying anything in the kitchen that would create oil splatters everywhere.  The only upside is that after chowing down the calorie-laden beef steak, my tummy rumbled again two hours later as I'd burnt off most of the calories from a solid one hour of cleaning both the dry and wet kitchens, washed two bathrooms and moped the entire house. 

Perhaps next time I should place flattened cardboard on the kitchen floor so that cleaning up is minimal, like how the village folks do 😬  However I know my idea will be rebuffed outright by the two chefs in the house!