MCO Day 33 ~ 19 April 2020 (Sunday)

These days hubs doesn't prep breakfast for us anymore as he prefers to exercise in the morning. His pot belly has grown even bigger after a month of MCO with no chance of playing basketball (he's a basketball nut), workout at the gym or attend boot camp classes during the MCO and now it's time to deflate the belly to at least half the size. 😆  We walk the stairs in the morning (not together though) followed with jogging at the corridor outside our unit and sweat buckets.

Today our baking queen's baking mode is switched on!  She prepped breakfast of  spam + cheese French toast for everyone.

Also fried wallet eggs.

Later she handmade an assortment of pastas.

Baking to this girl is akin to playing 'masak-masak' and playing with play dough.  She spent the entire afternoon in the hot sauna-like kitchen blithely experimenting with shaping the different types of pasta.

Her maiden batch of handmade pasta. She's a very happy camper!

This is supposedly spaghetti but it tasted more like 'pan mee' 😁

It's alright. We still ate it with beef bolognese (not me as I'm not a fan of starchy noodles), which I cooked a big pot, to be used for spaghetti, lasagna, tortilla and anything that goes with it.

MIL boiled lotus root soup as hubs is a soup guzzler.

After craving for kuih for almost a month, hubs finally ordered a kuih platter online from Baba Beng to satisfy my craving.  I am over the moon!  What you see here is just half the platter. Hubs gave the other half portion to his chef.

And threw in a big bonus for me - my favorite 'rough' type kaya, which I heart 💓

Hubs finally satiated his own craving of KFC as well! We've not eaten KFC for aeons. I only ate half a piece. Call me sensitive or a hypochondriac, but each time I indulge in KFC, I'll succumb to sore throat.  I discovered that if I eat KFC sans the oily fatty skin, I'll be A-OK. And so all the greasy skin went to hubs 😂

That's our Sunday cheat day, cheating on all things unhealthy before resuming another week of eating home-cooked wholesome food for the next 5-6 days 😄