MCO Day 35 ~ 21 April 2020 (Tuesday)

Today I went to our neighborhood supermarket to get groceries.  The last time I got out of my condo was a week ago when I took Alycia to the dentist. Hubs is normally the one who shops for stuff but he's been busy at his office and kitchen. He's going to roll out food boxes for delivery. It's his first time in his 20 years of catering business that he's doing food box delivery. Thank you La Corona! Because of you, my hubs now has an alternative income even when the MCO is lifted and a vaccine is ready to be marketed and our lives are back to the old normal  😇💪

Somehow, going to the supermarket doesn't feel normal anymore. I feel more stressed out than happy to be out of the house because buying things and bringing them into the house involves a lot of work from disinfecting them, to cleaning the floor, table, kitchen, showering from head to toe and putting my clothes into the washer!

And because of La Corona, we now have wholesome home-cooked meals 2-3 times a day, almost daily.  MIL cooked fried 'hor fun' again today.

And she always pairs fried noodles with a sweet soup dessert ('tong sui'). Today we had orange and purple sweet potatoes 'tong sui' boiled in ginger and pandan water.

Dinner:  salmon + lady's fingers cooked in Assam paste with kafir lime leaves.

Shallow fried thinly sliced pork belly with curry leaves and shallots, blanched broccoli, old cucumber soup and stir-fried organic baby French beans with dried shrimps.

Today hubby's good friend gifted us something that I've been dying to have - delicious Nyonya kuih and Assam laksa from Nyonya Colors @ Mid Valley Megamall.  He also got the girls Yomie's Purple Rice Yogurt - 3 cups, each in a different flavor.  Bless his heart for the generosity.

My SIL once asked me why I needed a make-up mirror at my work desk. Nope, not for vanity purpose.  But this is how I watch what the littlest brat is doing behind my back! I have a mirror on my printer, in front of me to spy on her whenever she's on the laptop or phone, supposedly doing her homework or attending online classes 😂