MCO Day 41 ~ 27 April 2020 (Monday)

I skipped my MCO-style morning workout today to complete the remaining articles for my 'boss'.  I thought that I'd have the time to do a short 20-minute workout on my yoga mat in the evening but instead, I spent that 20 minutes cleaning after Cass' mess!  The rascal dropped a bowl from the dish basket when she was carrying it into the dining area and broke it into a million  pieces. The sharp glasses scattered everywhere in the dining area, living room and under her piano!  I guess cleaning up is just as good a workout since I had to do multiple squats and hundreds of movements with my hands and legs as I mop our floor using cloth and not with a mop -- reason being I hate washing bulky mops. Cleaning cloths can be easily washed in the washer, after a good hand wash. I am OCD when it comes to mops.

Lunch of fried vermicelli with big onions, coriander, carrots and fish cakes.

Our baking queen baked a small batch of healthy sugar-reduced cookies with her own concocted recipe, using such ingredients as organic oats, chopped almonds and pistachios, Lakanto sugar, butter,  eggs, chocolate chips and flour.

Dinner: ABC soup, fried pomfret fish with tomato onion sauce, stir-fried siew yoke, steamed egg with minced pork and stir-fried choy sum.

Hubs had a friend who was going to Mid Valley Megamall to get food and he got these for us from Nyonya Colors:

By the time hubs got home from his shop, it was already late in the evening, so the kuihs will be kept for breakfast tomorrow!

Dishes waiting for Cass to dry and keep.

We have rotation of jobs in our house.  This week is Alycia's duty to wash the dishes while Sherilyn's duty is to bring the garbage to the refuse chamber and wipe the dining table.  And I noticed something.  Alycia would sing happily each time she's at the wet kitchen washing dishes, which somehow reminds me of Cinderella who would sing each time she's forced to do house work by her evil stepmother. 😆  I have a feeling that Alycia actually likes washing the dishes just as how some of my friends who find it therapeutic washing dirty dishes!!  Errrr, washing dishes will never be therapeutic for me!

I had to help Alycia snap these pictures of her working out, which is supposed to be her PE lesson. It's a requirement by her school, with compulsory photos taken and submitted online.

Cloudy skies at 7 a.m. today:

Stunning snapshot of a distant thunderstorm, taken at 7-ish p.m. today: