MCO Day 60 ~ 16 May 2020 (Saturday)

It's day 60 of the Movement Control Order today and we have 23 more days to go💪

This morning I walked to the nearby mart to buy eggs and butter as Sherilyn needed to prep another batch of fresh cream for cream puffs and eclairs.  The cream puffs and eclairs are for her ertswhile Sunday School teachers - S & J.

When Alycia and Sherilyn were 3.5 and 2.5 years old respectively, we moved back to our current neighborhood from Shah Alam as our house in Shah Alam was damaged in a great flood in 2006.  After the move, I went back to my very first church in PJ. I was baptized in this church in 1998.  When Alycia and Sherilyn attended the pre-schoolers' Sunday School at this church, S & J were the volunteer teachers at the Sunday School. The girls hit it off with S & J immediately as they were really good with kids.  When S & J tied the knot some months later, almost all the Sunday School kids and their parents attended the wedding. Sherilyn who was not even 3 years old was their flower girl.  Months later, S & J moved to Singapore. But I still kept in touch with S till today.

Fast forward some 13 years later, S & J's flower girl made them eclairs!

But before the eclairs were sent by Grab Delivery to them, a little drama happened.

The Choux Au Craquelin that she baked yesterday and reheated in the oven today turned hard. She had left it too long in the oven. The batch of freshly  made cream filling was ready but not the puffs and it was already 4-ish p.m.  I had promised S to send the cream puffs to her by today. Not wanting to disappoint S, Sherilyn quickly whipped up a new batch of eclairs (though she would prefer to make Choux Au Craquelin but time was not on her side), which took her less than an hour.

I asked our baking queen recently why she likes baking so much and can spend hours on end at it and she said baking is so much fun!  Alycia and I looked at each other and cringed as we don't like baking and find it too troublesome, especially cleaning the aftermath. Well, if I have a helper at home who would clean up after my mess, I really don't mind baking. I would bake keto and healthy stuff.

Freshly made cream with aromatic vanilla pods.

The eclairs were ready by 6pm.  Sherilyn filled the puffs and eclairs with coffee and homemade caramel flavored vanilla cream. The boxes and plastic bag were taped to prevent tampering by the delivery rider.

Going down to the lobby to pass the eclairs to the Grab driver.

These cream puffs and eclairs are for us. Cream puffs are my other kryptonite, besides kuih. Both are just as fattening 😬  We used to buy Beard Papa's cream puffs regularly but I find them too expensive.   Now that Sherilyn can bake them  and produce cream puffs as good as Beard Papa's, I don't have to spend so much on Beard Papa's again.

Caramel glazed eclairs and cream puff.  Can't wait to dig on them again for breakfast tomorrow. But not after I've jogged for at least 40 minutes in the morning!   All treats must be earned.😝