MCO Day 76 ~ 1 June 2020 (Monday)

Hello second half of 2020!   As we journey through the second half of 2020, I pray that the ride will be smoother and less bumpy not only for me and my family but for you as well. Hopefully we will ride out the stormy weather and come out unscathed.  The pandemic curve is flattening in our country and I hope the same is seen in your country too.

Yesterday I was mad as hops with the littlest brat again. This home-quarantining is driving the both of us bonkers.  She spent close to 14 hours hooked to the screens again.  I didn't give her the password to her desktop computer but she has her alternatives - she took her grandma's iPad and mobile phone whenever she wasn't using them. And again, she's hooked on an addictive online game called Roblox. If school does not reopen anytime soon, I think the brat and I will have to book an appointment to see a psychologist, I kid you not.  The effects of this lockdown on a child's mental health (and adult's too!) are detrimental to the point I think there is no turning back if the MCO is extended and school continues to be closed.

Hubs has a good friend who was an online game addict. He's from an affluent family and both the parents held senior management positions in banks. His friend is a very smart dude who did very well academically until he went to high school and got hooked on computer games. The addiction got so bad that he burnt his school books when he was reprimanded by his parents. His action scared the living daylights out of his parents who thought that he'd gone kooky! They stopped putting pressure on him academically ever since that fateful day where he burnt his books. He continued with his online gaming addiction until he passed out one day. His terrified parents called hubs (who was like a big brother to this teenager) and they accompanied him on an ambulance to the hospital.   This boy used to work as a part-time waiter for hubby during his schooldays.  He went to college and university but never graduated.  That was over 20 years ago.

Fast forward many years later, this dude finally turned over a new leaf and became repentant.  He finally grew up and was serious in being financially independent.  He finally realized his past follies. He tried his luck in getting a job in China and was incredibly lucky to clinch a lecturer job at a college, teaching English to Chinese nationals.  Fortunately he possesses an excellent command of English and has a sunny disposition, thus he soared at his job. He has been an English lecturer in China for many years now and has even found the love of his life and got married several years ago.  This is a happy ending to an online game addict and he's lucky that he didn't lose his life to it.  I certainly do not wish for this to happen to Cass and I can only pray hard that she will soon get tired of online games and when school reopens, she will be too busy with homework and extra curricular activities once again.

This morning I needn't drag Cass out of the house for a walk. She got up at 9 a.m. and asked if we're going for a walk to the shops. Although I wanted to run at the jogging treks at our condo, I quickly agreed to walk with her to the shops to get breakfast and snacks.  Our stroll to the shops and back home chalked up almost 4,000 steps.  Tomorrow I will take a longer route to the shops so that we hit more steps 😬.  I'm targeting for Cass to walk at least 6,000 steps a day, sweat more and be more active for the remaining days of this MCO.

Sunrise today:

Our lunch today - scrumptious Nasi Lemak with chicken rendang drumstick, otak-otak and the usual condiments from Catermate. The sambal sotong is add-on.   A bento box of Nasi Lemak costs RM15.

Drooling already? 😆  You can satiate your craving too!  Just Whatsapp Alan at 019-266 4297 for a pre-order lunch or dinner, sit back and relax and have your warm bento box delivered to you the next day.