MCO Day 79 ~ Thursday, 4 June 2020

Today is the first time in over 3 months that Cass step foot into a mall.  It's her bi-annual eye check-up at ISEC International Specialist Eye Center @ Mid Valley.  Just a quick recap, Cass was found to have mild Lazy Eye exactly a year ago during an unplanned eye checkup at our neighborhood optician. The sharp increase in power was only on her right eye and the optician urged me to bring Cass to an optometrist / ophthalmologist for a diagnosis and treatment, which was then confirmed that she has mild Lazy Eye. I brought her to ISEC to see Dr Choong YF as he's the ophthalmologist who performed a Chalazion surgery on Cass' eye when she was almost 2 years old.  To curb the power on the right eye from shooting up rapidly, Dr Choong prescribed Myopine eye drop - Cass needs to put one drop on the right eye every night before bedtime for years, with a review on her eyes bi-annually.  A bottle of 5ml Myopine costs a whopping RM95 and this can only last 6 weeks! I can't get this eye drop from any other pharmacy except from ISEC.

With an overload of screen time for over two months throughout the MCO and most times, this girl forgets to wear her glasses until I realize it and nag her, I was beyond belief that there is NO increase in power on both Cass' eyes. Praise God!  The expensive Myopine eye drop is working and credit needs to be given to Super Lutein as well.  Since the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, Cass has been popping 2 Super Lutein daily.  She's more worried of being infected by Covid19 than I am, and has been secretly popping an extra Super Lutein everyday to safeguard her health until she told me recently. Super Lutein is a supplement for eyes and an antioxidant for our general health.  We've been consuming Super Lutein and Izumio for 5 years now.

The Covid19 SOP at Mid Valley City are pretty impressive.  At the escalator entrance of Centrepoint South for ISEC patients, temperature was taken, bar code scanned and I had to fill out a detailed online declaration form for Cass and myself for submission before we were allowed to go up the escalator and then take the elevator to ISEC.

All these are necessary for easy contact tracing, should the need arise.

After Cass' appointment at ISEC, we segued into Mid Valley Megamall. This time we were scanned by a Face Recognition Thermometry Terminal, which looks like a tablet / mobile phone.  Bar code was again scanned with an app on my phone and details filled out before we were allowed into the mall.

Cass scanned by the Face Recognition Thermometry Terminal:

The bar code scanning on my phone, filling out of online form, temperature taking and hands sanitizing SOP are now compulsory at each individual shop inside the mall, which is applaudable but this repels me from entering a shop as it's too time consuming. Hubs who's in a hurry to go back to his shop waited for us at AK Noodles House @ Gardens Mall for lunch.

While we waited for hubs to arrive at the mall to join us for lunch and fetch us home, Cass dragged me to her most favorite place on the earth - the book store! We walked to MPH, which is the nearest book store on the floor that we were on and Cass quickly chose her latest favorite series - novels by Karen M. McManus and she bought two books by this author. She's a very very happy camper today!

Our quick lunch with hubs at AK Noodles House: