Healthy Breakfast

After a UTI attack about a month ago and a recent bout of torturous constipation that lasted almost a week, Cass' taste buds seemed to have evolved. Her love for oats resurfaced  and she's eating a lot more fruits now.  Her sudden crave for oats is so intense that she's now eating oats twice a day - breakfast before going to school and lunch. Sometimes she has oats thrice a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner! And she only likes oats with fresh milk.  This morning she added a large Korean Fuji apple and pineapple into her oats. She prepped the breakfast herself at 9 a.m. and enjoyed her breakfast with a good book before attending BM tuition at 11 a.m..  We had Char Siew rice for lunch and after lunch, she chomped down another large Fuji apple 🍎.  When we came home at 5:30 p.m. after piano lesson, she chomped down a big plate of papaya. 

My health freak eating habits have definitely rubbed off on Cass. While she had oats, I had skinny sugar-free yoghurt with melon seeds, peanuts, pistachios and homemade coconut sugar kaya (75% sugar reduced).