23 February 2021 Homecooked Chinese Dinner

 Since it's still CNY, Sherilyn whipped up a few Chinese dishes for dinner yesterday and today: 

1.  Mock crab meat soup with mushrooms, dried shredded scallops, black fungus and shredded chicken meat.

2. Koong Po chicken with cashews. She toasted the fresh chilies for over 10 hours to produce dried chilies for this dish.

3.  Yam basket (Fatt Put)

Lunch today was Mee Siam with chicken rendang and deep fried quails (burung puyuh goreng berempah) from hubby's shop, Catermate  😋

It's amazing that this girl can even whip up yam ring. The process is very tedious and a lot of oil is used to deep fry the yam ring and vermicelli. Discarding the used oil is also a hassle as I had to pour the oil into a container and then wrap the container with plastic bags before leaving it in the refuse chamber.  That's the reason why I never ever deep fry anything!  But this girl is a sucker for challenges and if the dish is too simple, she wouldn't cook it 😐

Burung puyuh goreng berempah (fried quail with spices) and Mee Siam with chicken rendang from Catermate.