Haru In Our Home


This pussy saw a bumble bee buzzing away outside the mozzie net and got hyper excited. She was intent on catching the bee and almost pushed the mozzie net down our unit.  The other day she saw a lizard for the first time in her life and bit off the poor lizard's tail. The tail was still flipping and Haru bit the tail into pieces. O.M.G.!!

She's a lover of food and is hungry round the clock. About 1-2 hours before her meal time, she will be seated at the kitchen island shelf (this is where we keep her kibbles and wet food), waiting patiently for her food.

Haru's new scratch board beds arrived.  While her 2 doting sisters assembled the box, she waited patiently in the old scratch board bed which is already in a terrible beat-up condition.

Trying out her new scratch board box/bed.