Back To School Blues

There was a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and Cass was caught in the rain after school dismissal at 3.30 p.m.  She went to the school car park to find her transporter but when she couldn't see the van, she walked outside the school to where the van would normally be.  When she still didn't see the van, she walked back to the car park and by that time, was almost soaked in rainwater from head to toe 😵

When she got back, she had to air dry her books and shoes under the fan. The living room was like a refugee camp with bags, books and shoes scattered on the floor. 

Despite being drenched, these pies for lunner from Stand Pie Me put Cass in a good mood.  Grandma also bought everyone pizza, mushroom soup, and cakes from Nutmeg @ Bangsar Village.  No occasion for the celebration. We sometimes need to splurge a little on our favorite things to make ourselves happy!

Missing each other dearly after almost an entire day away from each other.

Out of boredom today when her sisters were all in school, this fella sneaked into the bedroom, jumped up the bed, and snuggled comfortably under Cass' blanket. 
This mischievous pussy gave me another heart attack yesterday when she sneaked out to the kitchen balcony and looked as if she wanted to dive down! 🙀