Missing Haru

I so miss my fur baby throughout my 3 days in Ipoh! Fortunately Sherilyn and Alycia were in KL to cat-sit this baby.  When Cass and I got back from Ipoh today, we noticed that Haru has lost some weight, felt lighter and even has a slightly sunken tummy.  This got me a tad worried. But she's still as active as before. In fact, I think she misses me. She kept swiping my ankle with her paw each time I walked past her, as if to say 'hello' to me 😻

This goblin has been very daring lately. She would jump on my bed and sit on the side where her hooman dad sleeps. I think she misses her dad, who's her most 'favoritest' person.  She would also jump on Alycia's desk and look out of the window or take her siesta on the table.