New Lian Hua Qing Wen Granules

If you follow my other blog, you would have read that Alycia was down with Covid 2.5 weeks ago. It was her second Covid infection in four months. 

This time she had moderate symptoms, unlike the previous infection with nary any symptoms.  On the 8th or 9th day when Alycia tested negative, she started to lose her olfaction.  Her food tasted bland and she could not smell very well.  It could be caused by her blocked nasal.

Two weeks after Alycia recovered from Covid, I started to feel unwell.   I kept feeling extremely sleepy and took naps several times a day, felt lethargic, sluggish, and heaty.  The weather lately has been stinking hot and I had indulged in quite a bit of Musang King durians.  So I'm not sure whether it's caused by the durians or my immunity succumbed to the virus.

Today I remembered about the Lian Hua granules that I'd bought four months ago and gulped down a sachet (mixed with water).  I wasn't convinced that it could help me feel better but my friend who took it told me that it worked like charm for her. 

True enough, all the feelings of malaise and heatiness vanished several hours later. And I didn't feel lethargic and sleepy anymore. I can't believe how effective Lian Hua is.  

As with all herbs, I would advise not consuming Lian Hua excessively.  My gynae had advised me not to consume any herbs as these may encourage the growth of my fibroid. I have a 1.3cm fibroid in my uterus and it's a second fibroid after the first one was removed via a laparoscopic myomectomy five years ago.

A box of New Lian Hua Qing Wen granule costs RM48 for 6 sachets.  It tastes similar to Ho Yan Hor herbal drink.