Haru's Sixth Sense

On the day that Cass fainted in the hospital, Haru behaved suspiciously different.  She meowed and wailed the entire morning from midnight until 4.15 a.m. when I woke up that morning to get ready to go to the hospital.  

Cass had to stay overnight at the Institute of Urology & Nephrology @ HKL as her MRU procedure had to be postponed the day before as it was already 5-ish p.m. when it was her turn and the hospital staff told her to stay overnight. She would be the first patient to do the MRU the next day.  The IV line had to be re-inserted (the third time!) before 7.30 a.m. and she had to go to the MRI Complex before 8 a.m.

I had to leave the house at 6.45 a.m. so that I am at the hospital before 7.30 a.m.  I was told by the staff that if I were late, Cass would miss the spot again. As Cass is below 18 years old, a parent must be around during the procedure.

Not only did Haru meow the entire night, but she also kept scratching on my room door to beg to come into my room.  The moment I opened the door, Haru sniffed the floor of all corners of my room and kept jumping up my bed.  It was as if she wanted to sleep with me. She was extremely clingy.  This has never happened before and Haru is not a clingy cat. She's not a cat that likes to be cuddled.  And this bizarre behavior in Haru made me worried as Cass was scheduled to do the MRU that day.

The night that Cass had to stay at the hospital, Haru sat at the entrance of the house the entire night, watching the door, as if waiting for her sister to come home.

Many cultures revere cats, considering them to be magical or all-knowing. Cats appear capable of predicting unexpected events before they occur. There is a reason why the black cat is often associated with witchcraft.  I often read of cats that have the ability to sniff out sickness in their owners.  

Now I believe that cats have the ability to sense danger happening to their owners too.  If you are a cat owner, I believe you'd have experienced this baffling behavior in your cat.  Some owners even believe that their cats can predict future events and I think it's true. Each time before an episode of lightning and thunder, even before we humans can hear the thunder, Haru would be already hiding somewhere as she's terrified of the sound of thunder. 

The two nights that Cass was away in the hospital, Haru meowed and caterwauled throughout the night. Last night she finally stopped wailing as Cass was already home.  When I opened my room door at 6.30 this morning, she was sitting quietly outside my room, waiting for me 💓